Who We Are, Why We’re Here and What We Do as Trainers

Hi everyone, 

I wanted to dedicate this post to introduce to you who we are as trainers, our mission, and why we’re passionate about our job.  What I hope is that you will get a better understanding of the trainers at Level Up Fitness and the company as a whole. I hope you enjoy! If you have any questions about the gym or our services, please see FAQ tab on our page. 

Being that we have only been open since the beginning of April, not many people know too much about us, or where we are located, unless you see us on social media, or have heard from word of mouth. That being said, although we’re still very young, does not mean our trainers are not on the same page about how to train and how we feel about helping others. 

I wouldn’t necessarily say we are an ordinary gym. By that I mean, we don’t believe that working out, just to lose some weight, is the ultimate goal. Although, that might be included in our training program and one of your personal goals, that’s not what we focus on; you can acquire that from any gym. We look much more into our training, analyzing the way you move, and taking into consideration your strengths and weaknesses. We drill the crap out of posture, and fix imbalances as much as we have the ability to. Everything we do has meaning, and you won’t find that at every gym. 

To us, exercise is not about going through the motions, exercise is about getting in tune with your body and understanding how your body feels when introducing different stimuli. We are here to push and motivate you to move, but also teach you how to move properly. The majority of our job is dedicated to making sure you are moving correctly. We have personally worked with a lot of clients, who are still in physical therapy, and have more weaknesses that need worked on, which means they are not necessarily ready for a super intense workout.  This doesn’t mean that the workout won’t be hard, it just means we are able to ease you back into exercise, at your own pace, and according to your personal weaknesses, and strengths. 

We also believe exercise is only ONE aspect of living a healthy lifestyle. Within exercise, there are so many benefits, such as strength training, which builds muscle and helps protect your bones and higher intensity, which improves heart health as well as gaining stamina.  Exercise also helps reduce the risk for disease and has a lot more benefits than what is listed. Our Level Up Fitness coaches don’t focus on one aspect, we understand they are all important in having a healthy well rounded functioning body, so we incorporate all of them in each workout. Making our workouts challenging but also keeping your mind interested and engaged. As health professionals, it’s important to take care of the mind, body and emotional wellness for optimal health. Our goal is for you to feel better, move better, and be more comfortable in your skin. 

Everyday, might not be your best day, you might not feel up to pushing and challenging  yourself, we understand that. Sometimes you’re going to feel like you want to give up, you’re going to feel defeated. It happens to everyone, even us! I’m telling you, we’re here to help motivate you and help you reach your goals, so you feel you can accomplish anything you want to. 

Most trainers come into the field wanting to help others, and because they like the art of training. We came into the field because we are passionate about it, and look much deeper into the meaning of being your trainer. Think of us as support, your friend, and someone to rely on. We are willing to help everyone we can in the community become a better version of themselves.  We believe everyone should have access and the resources to transform their life, to make it happier and healthier. 

Last thing I want to tell you is everything we do has a purpose, whether it comes in your training, helping you outside of training, or helping the community as a whole.  We are passionate about this, and we will dedicate ourselves to helping you reach your goals. This is what we strive for at Level Up Fitness, and this is who we are.


Level Up Fitness

Coach Alexa